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The images in this series are 'Photographed'
with a 'Virtual' Camera, focused on a 'Virtual' 3-D object... the
GoldBox. Neither the 'Camera' nor the 'GoldBox' actually Exist in
reality. The great thing about using a computer to create 'Virtual Photographs' is that you never have to leave home... you don't have to worry about rampaging animals - or getting shot for tresspassing, or missing a great foto because you can't get to it. Altho, one of the Good things about Outdoor Photography is actually being outdoors - up to a point... If you wanna take photos of the Grand Canyon, you pretty much have to go there - along with 20 trillion other "photographers". (Think about this - How many incredible Images are Lost all over the World every day, because no one is there to photograph them - or even to See them. (To say nothing of the Rest of the Universe...!) Sort of like the "Tree falling in the Forest" thing...) On the other hand, you can't count on getting anything very Original from "Inspiration Point". Chances are you're gonna have to work for it. Altho, you could get lucky - a great Sunset, the perfect Light, etc... It's happened to me more than once. Luck (ie: the 'happy accident') is a Big part of many great photographs - and other great Art as well... It only requires that you are Able to Recognize the gift, and Recieve it when it is presented! The 'Happy Accident' can provide a new source of inspiration, a new direction - a new avenue of exploration - ideas or images you could never have imagined, or even conceived of on your own. And when these 'Accidents' happen in conjunction with a computer, the possibilities are compounded exponentially. A computer allows you to not only discover, but actually Create images that would be impossible to accomplish by any other means - even if you could imagine them. |
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The images above were created in one
using Bryce 3D. The image at Top Left shows an Outside view of
object - the Gold Box - which I created using 3-D software - by
Accident -
and imported into Bryce 3D for rendering. I simply adjusted the
'Sun' and one other light) and gave the Box a mirror-finish 'gold'
So these pix are basically a "Hall of (gold)
effect... but twisted and fractured. The 2nd image above shows a view from 'inside' the Box, of the 'ocean' I added (which provides the 'sparkles' in some views). Switching to another texture (instead of gold), or changing the lights, would create an entirely different set of images... There is nothing particularly Earth-shattering about these pix, they are simply a few images I found to be interesting as I explored the interior of this object. Are they 'Great Art' or even "Good" art...? I don't know, but I like these a helluva lot better than most anything Jackson Pollock ever did. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of great Abstract artsts out there - Sam Francis, to name one - but a Lot of that stuff is pure B.S. (does Julian Schnabel ring a bell?), and that doesn't pertain to 'Abstact' artists only... I was not into 'Abstact Art' that much when I was in School, except for the Design aspectof it - and I wasn't very successful at creating abstract imagery - until I got my first Camera. After that, it was... a "snap". Since I have been doing Abstract (i.e.: non-objective) Fotos, I find it much easier to think and visualize in terms of Abstract Imagery. It would take me 5 lifetimes just to complete all the ideas I've already come up with (maybe 10 at the rate I'm going...) And that's not even counting all the stuff, like this series, that I didn't even know I was going to do...! Sometimes, abstract (or even realistic) Images just pop into my head - from out of nowhere, fully-formed and ready to execute - completely unrelated to anything I'm already working on, or any Style I've already developed... And very often, these ideas/images are really good! Where do these things come from...? * Note: As mentioned on my main WebSite, my Argoleaf pages are optimized for a 17" Screen at 600x800 Resolution, so images will look Smaller at 1024. For Larger images you may want to Hide some of the 'toolbars' in your Netscape / browser window (..see the View/Options menu..) - this will provide a larger viewing area. The New Gold Box Gallery is HereMy NEW Fine Art Gallery (if you haven't been yet) is on: This
Page I Hope You Enjoy, come again Soon! Terry |
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