Bryce Page 3 - Europa



This is kind'a what Europa might look like - except that the ice-sheets are probably not as soft and ice-creamy as these... and, of course, there prob'ly ain't any open channels of water.  What we're lookin' at here is more like frozen slush - think "margarita"...

Also, there is no "sky" to reflect on the surface - so we're probably looking at yer basic bio-luminescence here...  (Think - "red tide".)

However, if you look real close, you may notice a very thin Atmosphere hugging the surface.

(Actually, I tried to make the "water" real dark, but I couldn't figure out how to do it before it was time to go home - so I decided there would be luminescent thingies growing in it...)

I have to admit - this is a fairly crude early effort.  But I Am improving! 

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