Water-based media... original art apprx. 8" sq.Due to the limitations of software, the text on these pages may look completely different on each page - even in color & style - depending entirely upon the browser, settings, & system being used - and whether or not you have the specified Font installed in your system...!Except where noted - all imagery on this site is copyright of Terry AndersonWith almost 30 pages on this site so far, I have added an Index Page to catagorize subject matter and facilitate navigation. It will be the next page - just click on the appropriate button to go where you want...If you have 'Netscape' you can just use the <Tab> key to cycle thru the links on each Pg. You might also want to Maximize your Browser, and 'hide' the Toolbars (under 'Options' or 'View') to give you a larger window.Another trick... use the <Alt> + the <left arrow> keys to go Back...... |
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